Senior & Assisted Living Advisor Throughout Illinois
Make informed decisions!

Articles and Videos

Use the following articles and videos to help you make an informed decision. Please contact your Senior Advisor if you have questions.

Functional Fitness 

Beth teaches with “The Joy of Moving” as the goal. Join us to move your body and sooth your soul with a warm-up, cardio, strength and a cool-down stretch. You'll thank your body and feel joyful throughout your day! Please have water, a chair, and a set of light weights available. No weights? You can use canned goods or water bottles from the pantry.

Chair Yoga 

Chair yoga is a gentle form of yoga that can be practiced while sitting on a chair or using a chair for support during standing poses. It is suitable for people with balance or coordination issues. Chair yoga helps increase flexibility, lung capacity, circulation, concentration, and strength, while boosting your mood, and reducing stress and joint strain. The class incorporates breathing exercises, stretching, yoga postures, and final relaxation. Presented by Bhavisha Shroff, certified yoga teacher, 500 hrs RYT and certified in Yoga 4 cancer (Y4C).

Chair Pilates 

Chair Pilates tones the entire body from head to toe and improves balance by challenging the muscles with bodyweight, coordination, and spring resistance. The chair is an excellent piece of equipment for both seated and standing work!

Sit & Fit with Bill Jensen 

Using a chair for support, you will get a gentle but effective full body workout! When standing, your chair becomes a stabilizer, allowing you to challenge yourself and remain safe and steady. Grab some light dumbbells, soup can, or household items for additional weight.

Sit & Fit 

Using a chair for support, you will get a gentle but effective full body workout! When standing, your chair becomes a stabilizer, allowing you to challenge yourself and remain safe and steady. Grab some light dumbbells, soup can, or household items for additional weight!

Fall Prevention Exercise with Brenda Bogue 

There are a number of factors that may contribute to a fall including muscle weakness, and impaired standing balance. The good news is that there is strong evidence that regular participation in a strength and balance-based exercise program can significantly reduce an older adult's risk of falling.

Stepping Out to Fitness Challenge 

Join others in the Stepping Out to Fitness Challenge! It's a fun way to exercise and maybe even win a gift card! Fill out the form and pick up your t-shirt at Elderwerks Center.

You Don't Have to Hit the Gym to Stay Fit 

“I cannot get motivated to get to the gym”…tell us Jennifer Prell, how does someone combat that feeling or thought? Jennifer, President and founder of Elderwerks, encouraged everyone with all the benefits and different ways to move your body. She stressed that our muscles are like rubber bands and if you don’t use them you will lose them. She was up to almost an hour on the rowing machine only to move to a new place, not get back into the routine, and now she’s back to 10 minutes at a time. But she will keep working on it and build those muscles.

10 Wellness Tips from Golden Oak Personal Training 

Leah Seidel from Golden Oak Personal Training shares some wellness tips to stay healthy.

Walking: Your No Cost Prescription to Good Health 

Walking benefits your health in many ways. Learn more about the importance of walking and how often you should walk each week.

Socialization & Activities for Caregivers and Those with Limited Mobility Video 

Learn about the benefits of staying active and how to set up reasonable and meaningful health goals. Jen will be demonstrating a variety of cardio, strength, flexibility, balance, and breathing exercises. Presented By: Jenifer Anderson, Group Exercise Director/Club Manager, Good Shepherd Hospital Health and Fitness Center

Get Fit While You Sit with Destination Fitness 

Join Suzanne Janusz Senior Fitness Specialist, Personal Trainer and Lifestyle coach with Destination Fitness and her client Jane, as they demonstrate a half hour workout you can do in the comfort of your home to help improve circulation, balance, strength, and flexibility! You can still stay active even if you have limited mobility. We can help you adapt your fitness routine to meet your needs and abilities! Chair exercises are a fun and easy way for seniors of all ages to remain active without putting unnecessary stress on their bodies. Sitting while exercising is the perfect option for someone who has balance issues or is a fall risk. The majority of seniors who do seated exercises experience improved health, physical and emotional benefits. Exercise also improves your mood which we all need during the winter months! So, grab a chair and a glass of water and join us for a fun seated fitness class!

Sit & Fit with Jaynie 

Jaynie from Good Shepherd Fitness Center presents chair exercises in this video.

Core & Stretch with Jen 

Core & Stretch exercise video with Jen from Good Shepherd Fitness Center.

Fall Prevention: I'm Still Standing 

Sue Grossinger, Advocate Aurora Good Shepherd Hospital, presents tips to prevent falls at Elderwerks Educational Senior Fair August 2020.

Contact Elderwerks

Finding assisted living or other types of aging care can be overwhelming. Let our dedicated team help you navigate your options.

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For your complimentary, person-centered assistance or help touring a senior community, call an Elderwerks Advisor today at 855-462-0100.


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