The Foglia Family Foundation
The Foglia Foundation is a supportive and gracious organization helping local charities with their programming. They generously support Elderwerks efforts to help local seniors with their needs as well as the Elderwerks Senior Resource Directory.
McHenry County Planning and Development
Community Development Division is responsible for administering US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) programs including the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), the Housing Investment Partnership (HOME) grant, Continuum of Care (CoC) grants, Treasury Emergency Assistance Programs, and the Lead-based Paint Hazard Reduction Grant.
Barrington Area Community Foundation (BACF)
Purpose The purpose of the Barrington Area Community Foundation is to establish a permanent, long-term fund for the betterment of the community. The Foundation will use the annual proceeds to support initiatives that benefit the community and maintain our quality of life. The Barrington Area is the greater of the Barrington Area Council of Governments (five suburbs with Barrington in the name and Tower Lakes and Deer Park) and School District #220. Population is approximately 45,000. Mission The Mission of the Barrington Area Community Foundation is to address the unmet needs of the community. The Barrington Area Community Foundation supported Elderwerks in 2021 with a grant to help hire a person in our social services department. Without this support we would not have been able to expand our services.
Celebrating all that is Feminine (CATIF)
Celebrating All That is Feminine (CATIF)Empowering women & children all over the Chicagoland Area Celebrating All That Is Feminine is a Palatine, Illinois-based, not-for-profit public charity which was founded in 2009 by a group of powerful women. The organization achieved its official 501(c)(3) charitable organization status in 2012. We are so grateful for our previous board members and for those that have participated in this journey. Thank you! Over the last 11 years, C.A.T.I.F. has raised nearly $150,000 from a purely grass-roots level for other non-profit organizations whose missions mirror that of its own.
847-774-8648 catifcharity@gmail.com www.catifcharity.com
Community Foundation of McHenry County
About The Community Foundation for McHenry County The Foundation is the leader in McHenry County for providing legacy giving opportunities to our community’s donors and charitable organizations. Founded in 2001 to ensure financial support to McHenry County’s charitable community forever, The Foundation today is a $48 million organization that serves to “connect people who care with causes that matter.” Their mission is to philanthropically address the needs of McHenry County by providing leadership, granting resources, stewarding assets, and fostering awareness. The Foundation and its community of donors provides financial support and leadership to charitable organizations that serve the residents in our county. For more information, please call us at 815.338.4483, email us at connect@thecfmc.org or visit our website at thecfmc.org.
815-338-4483 connect@thecfmc.org www.thecfmc.org
FJK Private Foundation
The FJK Private Foundation is a local foundation supporting many causes that help community members. Their generosity helps Elderwerks with many supportive programs such as Stepping Out to Fitness, housing case management, social services, and the Senior Resource Directory.