2025 General
Qualifications for Non-Service Connected
Veteran's Pension & Survivors Pension
- Veteran must have served at least ninety days
active duty with one day of the ninety during a qualified war period
(ninety days must generally be consecutive, with some exceptions).
- Veteran must have had an “other than
dishonorable discharge”.
- Age 65 years old or are permanently disabled.
- The married couple's annual income and countable assets (net worth) cannot exceed $159,240 to qualify for this benefit.
- Claimant’s physician must declare him/her as
housebound and in need of assistance from another individual, which may
include services offered by assisted living.
- Claimant’s household out-of-pocket yearly
medical expenses must exceed or come close to his/her total yearly
household gross income (total yearly cost of assisted living is typically
considered a medical expense.
- You must need assistance with at least 2 activities
of daily living such as bathing, feeding, dressing, toileting, or
protection from the hazards of your daily environment. There needs to be
adequate medical evidence that you cannot function completely on your own.
- To qualify for Veterans Pension &
Survivors Pension the applicant must be receiving and paying for care, and
need financial assistance for in-home care, or to pay for assisted living
or skilled nursing facility.
- Widowed spouse must have been living with the
veteran at the time of the veteran’s death, unless the separation was due
to medical or military reasons (there may be some exceptions related to
separations due to abuse).
- Veterans cannot receive both VA disability
compensation and the Veterans Pension. However, they can receive the higher
benefit of the two programs.
- The Veterans Pension & Survivors Pension
can be used to pay a family member as a caregiver except for their spouse. The
VA allows beneficiaries to deduct their care expenses from their income and
payments to family members are considered deductible care expenses. Beneficiaries then receive an increased
pension benefit equal to the amount they have paid their family member for
- There are no charges to apply or enroll in a
VA pension. Veteran’s benefit advisors are prohibited by law from charging
their clients for their assistance with the application. However, they may
charge clients in the structuring of their financial assets in preparation for
the application.
- 5-year look back at finances required.
2025 Maximum
Pension Rates
Veteran $2,358/Month or $28,299 Annually
w/Spouse or Dependent $2,795/Month or $33,547 Annually
Spouse $1,515/Month or $118,187 Annually
Married to Veteran $3,740/Month or $44,886 Annually
Once awarded the pension or
housebound status, a veteran may obtain free medications, medical equipment,
incontinence supplies, glasses, and hearing aids from the VA hospital/clinic
via U.S. mail without going to the VA clinic or hospital. A separate
application must be made through the health care system.
Eligible Wartime Periods:
- World War II: December 7, 1941 to December 31, 1946
- Korean Conflict: June 27, 1950 to January 31, 1955
- Vietnam Era: August 5, 1964 to May 7, 1975 (In country
before August 5, 1964 – February 28, 1961 to
May 7, 1975)
- Gulf War: August 2, 1990 through a date to be
set by law or Presidential Proclamation
Military Qualification:
· Army
· Navy
· Air Force
· Marines
· Merchant Marines
· Coast Guard
**Note: Each VA claim is unique, and the above criteria is generic in nature and may not be applicable to each claimant.