and change can be overwhelming. It is especially true for a person living with
dementia. Change and disruption of a normal routine can cause confusion,
irritability, health issues, and behavioral changes. The
following are some helpful hints for helping move a person living with
- Though
your loved one is impaired, you still want to include them in the process.
- Start
early in the day and limit the amount of time your loved one spends sorting. They
may tire easily, and it can become too stressful for them.
- If
your loved one is easily stressed, it might be best to have them go out for
breakfast or lunch while the home is sorted and packed.
- While
sorting their personal items ask for input. Such as. “Which shirt do you like
better?” If they want to do things on their own, base their tasks on their
abilities such as sorting books or boxing up their clothing. It doesn’t matter
if it’s done perfectly.
- Don’t
get angry if they move slower than you, make decisions that you don’t agree
with, or are unable to make decisions. Just breathe.
- The
items that need to be packed are the items they “squirrel with”. These are the
items near their favorite chair and anything in their vision while sitting
there on a regular basis. The bedroom items and bathroom items should also be
- Don’t
move anything sharp, poisonous, valuable, or unnecessary.
- Remember,
when moving a person into a memory care community, the items they move in with
may not necessarily be theirs at the end of the day. Things tend to move around
the building and into other people’s apartments.
- Hire
a mover that has been trained in assisting a person living with dementia, or
that understands and can support your loved one. The mover can make the move a
smooth one or it can turn ugly quickly if they don’t know how to react to
issues that arise.
- Know
what furniture is being moved and use a floor plan for the destination
apartment. This will make setting up the apartment go much smoothly.
- Think
about hiring a Senior & Specialty Move Manager (SMM). A SMM assists with all
aspects of the downsizing and moving process. You can work alongside your loved
one reminiscing and going through photographs and memorabilia while the SMM
packs the rest of the belongings, manages the mover, and sets up the new home.
You can find many wonderful SMMs at www.NASMM.org.
- Putting
all tasks in writing will help keep you organized and help reduce stress. Put
together an action plan from the tasks list. If you need help, talk to the
move-in coordinator in the community your loved one is moving into for some
guidance or the SMM.
- Once
your loved one has moved into their new apartment, you can start emptying their
house through an estate sale, donate to a charitable cause, and hire a waste
hauler for the rest of the items that aren’t salvageable. Make sure to keep all
receipts for tax purposes.
you have recently been diagnosed with dementia, you will want to get your
affairs in order as soon as possible. This includes all legal documents
including Power of Attorney for Property and Health, Advance Directives (Living
Will), Will, and Trust. Protecting yourself and your assets for future needs is
paramount. Discuss your future with your family so they know what you want in
advance and can help you through the aging process and provide support as