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Hold-On The COVID-19 Vaccine is on the Way

Thursday January 07, 2021 - Jennifer Prell
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Hold-On The COVID-19 Vaccine Is on The Way

Elderwerks has been fielding many phone calls from older adults wanting to know when they will be able to receive the COVID-19 vaccinations. Just about everyone is anxious to receive the vaccine and move along with a more active life. Understandably the first phase of injections is being administered to “Eligible Personnel,” namely physicians, nurses, hospital technicians, pharmacists, paramedics, police, and firefighters. These brave people who have served on the front lines for over nine months and care for individuals with the Coronavirus need immediate protection from the daily danger they face.

As additional doses are manufactured, the vaccine will become available to people residing in skilled nursing/assisted living facilities, group homes for the developmentally disabled and other congregate care facilities throughout Illinois.

In a news conference held on January 6, 2021, Governor Pritzker stated that the next phase of COVID-19 vaccine distribution in Illinois, Phase 1B, will include “frontline essential workers” and anyone over the age of 65, representing a total of 3.2 million more Illinois residents who would be eligible to get the vaccine.

At present, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is working with county health departments and regional healthcare providers to work through the logistics of distributing the vaccine within CDC guidelines. As supplies increase over the next few months, you will see additional information published about vaccination availability at large pharmacy chains, hospitals, and medical centers. Work is also underway to plan large vaccination clinics likely to be orchestrated through local municipal health departments or townships.

We realize that many people that Elderwerks serves are within the high-risk groups due to age and or medical condition. The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines each require two injections to be fully effective. The second dose is given within 21 or 28 days respectively and the provider of your injection will schedule the follow-up appointment when you receive the first dose.

Certainly, we understand the concern and frustration our clients are expressing. In the interim we ask that you stay strong, keep social distancing and practicing hand hygiene until everyone can become vaccinated.

Additional details and a “frequently asked questions” section is available at the Illinois Department of Public Health website


The Elderwerks team is keeping appraised of the latest developments and will publish what we learn on our website and social media channels. If you need assistance in the interim, please phone the Elderwerks Center at (855) 462-0100.

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